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The Other Forests

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There are over 600 different species of seaweed in B.C. including the greatest selection of kelp in the world. These lush and biodiverse kelp forests are an oasis for life. In fact, they provide important habitats for many marine species like starfish, salmon, rockfish, and kelp crabs. They’re also a vital nursery for herring who spawn (release eggs) on kelp.


While land-based forests get a lot of attention when it comes to capturing carbon, coastal ecosystems have an incredible capacity to mitigate the effects of climate change. They’re also not susceptible to wildfires like land-based relatives, given their underwater habitat, and can sequester up to 20 times more carbon per acre than land forests.


Kelp forests are one of many pilot projects already in place on neighbouring islands, and as we expand into a regional system of producing and trading food, we look forward to learning from others and replicating those projects on Salt Sprin



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